[caption id=”attachment_6017” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”The lucky winner now has a Chumby!”][/caption] In February 2010 openSUSE held the openSUSE survey 201...
[caption id=”attachment_6077” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”The elusive Thirsty Thirteen”][/caption] At the end of the year it is the time for reviews and the op...
On the 6th of December, the openSUSE marketing team held the first of three Collaboration Days. The goal of these days was to get on IRC together and get some tasks done. E...
[caption id=”attachment_6063” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”picture by Robert Lihm”][/caption] Next years FOSDEM takes place again in Brussels on Feb 5th and 6th...
We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Weekly News Issue 155. openSUSE Weekly News openSUSE Weekly News Team Producer Published: 2010-12-25 Table of Contents An...
Hello Mates. Last year was a great year. We have seen a lot happen. The Relaunch of the openSUSE BuildService provides many new features for packagers. The kde-obs-genera...
The openSUSE project released the fifth of six milestones in the development of openSUSE 11.4 some days ago. Milestone 5 (M5) brings a wide range of updates, both major and...
For the full transcript of the last openSUSE Board meeting, see our logs. Introduction of new openSUSE Board Chairman - Alan Clark We opened with an introduction to new B...
A Q&A with Jeff Hawn, **__chairman and __CEO of Attachmate by Jos Poortvliet, openSUSE Community Manager at Novell** I had a chance to speak with Jeff Hawn, chairman a...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 154. openSUSE Weekly News openSUSE Weekly News Team Producer Published: 2010-12-18 Table of Contents...
[caption id=”attachment_5382” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”Heinz on Skolelinux”][/caption] At the openSUSE conference almost two months ago a special Educationa...
Last Monday the second Marketing Collaboration Day happened - with a focus on Marketing Materials. The moderators, Chuck Payne and Bryen Yunashko, would like to thank every...
[caption id=”attachment_5918” align=”alignright” width=”252” caption=”Alan Clark. Chairman of the openSUSE Board”][/caption] As you know, Michael Loeffler has left the ope...
Seasons Greetings to everyone in the openSUSE Community and beyond from the openSUSE Board! As we come to the end of 2010, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on a ban...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. openSUSE Weekly News openSUSE Weekly News Team Producer Published: 2010-12-11 Table of Contents Announce...
Earlier this week, the openSUSE Marketing Team held the first of a series of Collaboration Days in December. This was, without a doubt, a success with many of our team mem...
On Saturday the 27th of November a Bug Day was organized to solve the issue with Zombie bugs, bugs against old, non-maintained versions of openSUSE. A team got together in ...
We are pleased to announce the Greek sub-forum is now live and ready for business. I have been working closely with: @warlordfff, who will be one of the Forum Moderators. T...
[caption id=”attachment_5804” align=”aligncenter” width=”300” caption=”The openSUSE Brasileiros!”][/caption] A few weeks ago, Latinoware offered an opportunity for the Bra...
With the openSUSE distribution, we have a set of openSUSE manuals and QuickStart guides. You can read them online via //doc.opensuse.org. They are installed by default on ...
Ladies and Gentlemen The Januari edition of the German Linux-Magazin this year will feature something this Magazine has not featured for almost 10 years: a Free Software E...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News 152. openSUSE Weekly News openSUSE Weekly News Sascha Manns editor in chief Satoru Matsumoto Editorial office...
On Monday, the openSUSE project released the fourth of six milestones in the development of openSUSE 11.4. Milestone 4 (M4) brings a wide range of updates, both major and ...
The openSUSE Marketing Team is proud to host Collaboration Days during the month of December. Each designated day, we will focus on a specifc area related to marketing. T...
We are pleased to announce the openSUSE Board Election 2010! The Election Committee this year is staffed by: Stathis Iosifidis , Sascha Manns, Satoru Matsumoto, Thomas Sc...
openFATE, the feature tracking tool used in openSUSE has been completely reworked and the new version is live now on features.opensuse.org. A team has started driving the ...
We are pleased to announce our new issue 151. In the issue 151 you can read Novell, Attachmate and openSUSE lex Barrios: Just a small story about m...
The old openSUSE:11.3:Contrib signing key got deleted by an accident, so we have to generate the new one and sign all packages in this repo with it. It is safe to accept ke...
Community, during our bi-weekly Board Meetings on IRC we have a regular agenda topic “Where do we need to improve?”. We’re very much interested in ideas you may have to im...
Is this thing on? tap tap. Good evening friends, this is your openSUSE Board speaking. If you didn’t hear yet, Novell has agreed to be acquired by Attachmate Corporation. W...
At the last openSUSE project meeting and after the discussion about zombie bugs on the opensuse-project mailing list, a small team of volunteers agreed to organize a Bug Da...
We are pleased to announce the Issue 150 of openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 150 you can read Manu Gupta: Aloha openSUSE Medical Sirko Kemter: Op...
We are pleased to announce our new Issue 149. In the issue 149 you can read openSUSE News: openSUSE Announces Third Development Milestone Evaluating systemd ...
Delayed by a week due to a critical bug that would have prevented testing, the openSUSE project today announces openSUSE 11.4 Milestone 3 (M3), the third of six milestone r...
At Latinoware, a team of openSUSE contributors will come together, not only to promote openSUSE but also to talk with each other about the future plans for the major linu...
The openSUSE Community News letter is published each week and the forum section has been edited since March 2009 by @caf4926. Starting issue 149 @knurpht (A Global Moderato...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 148 you can read Run…Or Help Run! Kostas Koudaras: 11.3 Late Launch Party ...
First, the Help Run…. Election season in the openSUSE Project is just around the corner. And this means the firsts step is to organize the Election Officials committee. ...
We are pleased to announce the new Issue 147. In the issue 147 you can read From the Developer to the User and back – Announcing Project Bretzn SUS...
“Collaboration Across Borders” - Under this moto the openSUSE Community received in Nuremberg several hundreds of Free Software enthusiasts and contributors. Giving a stron...
For those who couldn’t make it to the actual event, here is a little impression of the openSUSE conference. Of course, the many blogs on planet openSUSE and the cool specia...
At the openSUSE conference Frank Karlitschek, KDE e.V. board member and well known for his projects like GetHotNewStuff, opendesktop.org, socialdesktop.org announced a new...
A lot of people have been involved with the openSUSE Conference and I’ve heard a lot of people saying thanks for a great conference. This is supported by 290 attendees visi...
We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Weekly News Issue 146. In the issue 146 you can read openSUSE ass-kickin’ keynote openSUSE News: The openSU...
[caption id=”attachment_5220” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”Meeks and Wafaa”][/caption] Wednesday at the conference, Smeegol master Andrew “Funkypenguin” Wafaa w...
Frank Karlitschek will show us on Saturday at 9:30 the project he’s working on to simplify the way software gets to users. Frank has deep knowledge in open source communiti...
[caption id=”attachment_5196” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”Henne kicking ass”][/caption] As 260 fans of openSUSE descended upon Nuremberg, the second annual ope...
The openSUSE Build Service - OBS - is now officially at release 2.1. We’re delighted with the improvements in this release, including an enhanced web interface, inte...
This Wednesday the 2nd openSUSE Conference 2010 opens its doors and we are very happy to announce the third keynote today. The Desktop and the Cloud - Thoughts about Freed...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 145 you can read Finalizing who we are… Jos Poortvliet: Last piece of strateg...
We’re almost there, ladies and gents. Again there was quite some feedback on the strategy doc. We have worked to...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Just one week to go untill the openSUSE conference opens its doors. We moved all Birds of a Feather (Bof) sessions and workshops out of the conferenc...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 144 you can read Announcing Smeegol 1.0 Andreas Jaeger: Revising the Board El...
12 days from now it will be the 20th of October - the day the openSUSE Conference will start in Nuremberg, Germany. The conference will be kicked of by keynotes on Wednesda...
Hi all, The last week we again received over 100 comments on the first and second part of our strategy. A few re...
Extend the web of trust! Take part at the Keysigning Party during openSUSE Conference. There will be one Keysigning Party session during the openSUSE Conference: Friday, O...
Today, Thursday October 7, the openSUSE project announces Milestone 2 of openSUSE 11.4. Milestone 2 (M2) is the second of six periodic development snapshots of openSUSE 11...
The openSUSE Goblin Team are pleased to announce the first public release of Smeegol. Smeegol is based on the netbook user interface that came from the MeeGo(TM)* projec...
The monthly meeting of the openSUSE Marketing Team Meeting is held on the third Tuesday of each month at 15:00 UTC on Freenode IRC network, channel #openSUSE-Marketing. Al...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 143 you can read OSC2010 Sneak Peaks – Take an LPI exam at openSUSE Conference 2010 ...
Hi all! Friday the 1st of October will be the deadline for requesting travel and hotel sponsorship requests for the openSUSE conference. We will notify those who will rece...
Last week our Ambassadors did what they do every week: promote openSUSE. They went to meetings, conferences and tradeshows for a talk or staffing a booth. And they organiz...
Thanks to the support of Linux Professional Institute (LPI) we are able to provide a number of the well known and useful LPI exams to be taken at the openSUSE Conference 20...
Hi all, Over the last week you have all given input on the new strategy document describing the target users of ...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News #142. In the issue 142 you can read Easily Building Software for Multiple Distributions and Platforms ...
We have just completed the upgrade to the 1.16 release of MediaWiki. This release comes with several improvements in functionality and performance. Anyone who is interest...
> [](//news.opensuse.org/category/sneak-peeks/) > > The openSUSE Conference brings together users, contr...
In a little over a month, the openSUSE conference 2010 will start under the title “collaboration accross borders”. This article highlights one of the main topics at this co...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 141 you can read openSUSE Conference 2010 – Collaborate Across Borders Jos P...
> >  > > > > The openSUSE Conference brings together users, contributors and friends of the op...
The openSUSE Conference brings together users, contributors and friends of the openSUSE project from 20th to 23rd October in Nuremberg, Germany. Over four days, more than s...
Without question, users who frequent the openSUSE forums are very appreciative of all the work being done by ALL the various development teams. The progressive nature of KD...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News. In the issue 140 you can read openSUSE News: SUSE Studio Contest – you have until the end of this mon...
Here is the news that a lot of you have been waiting for! The new wikis (en.opensuse.org, languages.opensuse.org, and dewiki.opensuse.org) have been switched to the new Lu...
For those who didn’t know yet, about two weeks ago Novell introduced SUSE Gallery.com where you can submit your SUSE Studio Appliances for the world to see and download. Ov...
Now we are ready. We’re pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News #139. Enjoy it! :-) In the issue 139 you can read Strategy sucks Rares Aio...
strategy statement from team Hi all, Over the last weeks there has been a lot of disussion, both internally and externally, about the strategies which have been proposed....
As a result of the openSUSE Boosters’ ‘HackMeck’ two weeks ago at FrOSCoN we are proud to present you with a new beta of openSUSE Connect. Connect is supposed to become th...
[caption id=”attachment_4093” align=”alignright” width=”240” caption=”Metalink multichannel download, so package candy melts your screen, not your internet connection.”][/c...
On September 18, it is international Software Freedom Day. Software Freedom Day aims to celebrate Free Software and the people behind it. It wants to spread the word about ...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 138! In the issue 138 you can read Andreas Jaeger: Revising the Board Election Rules ...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 137. We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 137. In the issue 137 you can read ...
We will have a service outage this saturday (21 August) due to work on power supply in one of our server rooms. This means the following services will not be accessable on ...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 136! In the issue 136 you can read KDE bug team asks for help on Friday 13th Andrew ...
Javier sent us the following announcement: It's my pleasure to announce the next KDE Bug triage :-) It will begin next Friday (13th) and end on Monday (16th). The aim of...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 135. In the issue 135 you can read We’re a happy family – The Boosters are hiring! M...
Join the HackMeck! HackMeck is the weekend hack retreat of the openSUSE Boosters team in the openSUSE development room @ FrosCON. The aim of HackMeck is to advance Conne...
The new wiki has attracted a lot of attention from users and contributors of openSUSE. Unfortunately, it has also gained the attention of spammers, as the wiki team has be...
The openSUSE Boosters are a team of people helping developers of the openSUSE project to take off. It consists of people with skills ranging from low level C hackery ove...
We are pleased to announce our brand new openSUSE Weekly News 134! :-) In the issue 134 you can read The openSUSE Project welcomes Jos Poortvliet as new Commu...
We’re proud to announce today that Jos Poortvliet will join the openSUSE project and Novell as openSUSE Community Manager starting on August 1. With Jos we’ve found a lea...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News 133! In the issue 133 you can read Timeline for openSUSE’s strategy discussion Sirko Kemter...
Due to the positive fact that more proposals emerge, we wanted to take the time to make them into polished proposals that we want to publish for discussion as well. Here’s...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News! In the issue 132 you can read openSUSE 11.3 is here! OBS Development Team Member Job Positi...
openSUSE Education team is very thrilled to announce the availability of openSUSE Edu: Linux for Education(Li-f-e). Li-f-e is built on openSUSE 11.3. The aim of this DVD...
We had a successful openSUSE 11.3 launch yesterday. The announcement itself saw many friendly comments. Many people retweeted the announcement from @openSUSE. Besides the ...
[caption id=”attachment_3836” align=”alignleft” width=”300” caption=”openSUSE 11.3 is here!”][/caption] The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the release of the late...
We just switched to the new wiki. So here it is. And now? Let me explain what you can do to help! Create your user page Every user of the wiki has a personal page and we ...
Anyone can become openSUSE member after showing continued and substantial contribution to the project of any kind (bugs, support in forums, wiki edits, code contribution et...
We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Weekly News #131. In the issue 131 you can read openSUSE Wiki - Episode II: A new hope KDE Desktop Tricks...
On Saturday, July 10th from 09:00 AM CET to 03:00 PM CET, our infrastructure vendor will be shutting down services in the Nuremberg (Germany) data center to allow for a sch...
As mentioned in earlier posts, the new English wiki is scheduled to go live on Monday. Here are a few technical details about the change itself: Schedule ...
A couple of days ago I gave you the big picture on what will happen to en.opensuse.org on Monday when we switch to the new wiki. Now let me go into the nitty gritty details...
Note: A German version is below - Deutsche Version unten. We plan to create a German Forum at forums.opensuse.org in the near future. So we’re searching for Moderators. I...
You hear it in the bushes since quite some time, rumors spread and people whisper about it: A new wiki for the openSUSE project is coming very soon! The openSUSE Wiki team ...
openSUSE 11.0 was released on 19th of June 2008 and was planned to be under security maintenance for two years. Upon multiple requests from the community, the SUSE Security...
We are pleased to Announce our new openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 130! In the issue 130 you can read Prepare for Landing - openSUSE 11.3 RC2 is now available! ...
Following up on Michael Loeffler’s previous RC1 announcement, openSUSE is now doing a final check of instrumentation before landing. The weather continues to be clear and ...
The vBulletin software that is the ‘Nuts and Bolts’ behind the openSUSE Forum has just undergone a major upgrade from v3 to v4. This resulted in some considerable down time...
The Ohio Linux Fest will be on September 10-12, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio. There is now a one-week extension for Call for Partiicipation. If any of you are in the Ohio ar...
We’re pleased to announce our brand new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 129! In the issue 129 you can read Michael Löffler: Let’s beat the drum for openSUSE confere...
On July 15th you are invited to celebrate with us the latest release of our distribution: openSUSE 11.3! **Who? **All people interested in openSUSE. Please spread the wo...
We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 128. In the issue 128 you can read openSUSE 11.3 RC1 is available Wiki change postponed ...
As openSUSE 11.3 is around the corner and will be released on July 15, it’s now the right time to prepare your Launch Paty in our city or region. Gnokii just posted on th...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please fasten your seat belts, the touch down area is in sight we do have clear view and smooth weather conditions. So we expect a smooth landing f...
As announced previously, the openSUSE Board and its Strategy Team have worked on three strategic proposals to define the direction of openSUSE’s future, as a Project, Commu...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 127! In the issue 127 you can read openSUSE Build Service 1.8 and 2.0 Announced Dann...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the 1.8 and 2.0 releases of the openSUSE Build Service (OBS). It is an open package and distribution development platform that pro...
We wanted to give you an update regarding the status of our Strategy Team’s release of strategy proposals for public discussion. Truth is, despite our best intentions to r...
[caption id=”attachment_3454” align=”aligncenter” width=”522” caption=”LinuxTag is starting tomorrow. Swing by Berlin and get a lift from the openSUSE Boosters.”][/caption]
Weekly news We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 126. [](//wiki.op...
The outage planned for this Saturday (June 5th) has been rescheduled. The outage is now scheduled to take place between 20:00 and 00:00 GMT (4:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT). The...
openSUSE - as usual - will be at LinuxTag. We have booth #203 in hall 7.2a and will show there the openSUSE Build Service 2.0 release which is scheduled for June 11 and ho...
With a good selection of Forum users already working with openSUSE’s development version of the next openSUSE release 11.3 - The forums will be a great place to stop for s...
As in michl’s post announced a the openSUSE Board and some other community members met the past weekend in Nürnberg to have a comprehensive 2.5 days face to face meeting . ...
The openSUSE Project Team is happy to announce that the 2nd international openSUSE Conference will take place in Nuremberg, Germany between 20-23 October 2010. After the g...
For the last few months some of the Boosters were working on “Umbrella” infrastructure concept for openSUSE. Various web tools grew over time and unfortunately they becam...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 125. Enjoy it… ## Contents * 1 Editors Note * 2 Announcements * 2.1 op...
On Saturday, June 5th, most of openSUSE.org will be down due to a network upgrade in the data center. The outage is scheduled to take place between 13:00 and 17:00 GMT (9:...
Milestone 7, a snapshot of the openSUSE Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download. M7 is the last mi...
The openSUSE Build Service (obs) is an open package and distribution development platform that provides a transparent infrastructure that allows developers to build for var...
We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 124.  openSU...
For the past few months we, the openSUSE Board, together with the great help from Kurt Garloff, Jan Weber and Andreas Jaeger, held a series of strategy sessions to address ...
openSUSE Weekly News is translated into many languages. Take a look at this page for currently available translations. ## Contents * [1 Editors Not...
We pleased to announce our new openSUSE Weekly News Issue 122.  ope...
For our openSUSE distributions, we release regularly updates to fix security issues and general bugs. As desktop user, you get notified in GNOME and KDE via the updater ap...
LinuxTag 2010 is around the corner. There will be openSUSE Rock ‘N’ Roll from June 9 to 12 at the Berlin Fairgrounds! We just received word that our project got accepted ...
Milestone 6 (of 7), a snapshot of the Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download. M6 is the first relea...
We are pleased to annouunce the new Weekly News #121  openSUSE Week...
We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Weekly News Issue 120!  open...
**People of openSUSE ** Your Full Name: Andrew Wafaa IRC Nick: FunkyPenguin, FunkyPenguin_mob Favorite Season: Whichever one my favorite team wins. Motto: Personal: Be...
OBS Developers from MeeGo project visited the SUSE OBS Developers in Nürnberg on friday and saturday. Not everybody managed to come due to the ash over europe, but at least...
We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Weekly News Issue 119.  open...
Milestone 5 (of 7), a snapshot of the Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download. M5 was marked by signif...
1 Editors Note 2 Announcements 2.1 Pascal Bleser: Planet openSUSE fixes and improvements 2.2 Pascal Bleser: Pla...
Issue #117 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Contents 1 Editors Note 2 Announcements 2.1 Novell Wins Again - Jury Rules Copyrig...
Issue #116 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Contents 1 Editors Note 2 Announcements 2.1 openSUSE News: Planet SUSE Status ...
The fourth of seven scheduled milestone releases for 11.3 was completed and released on schedule. Milestone 4 focuses on switching to upstart as init daemon. Here’s ...
The openSUSE Education team is happy to announce the availability of the updated openSUSE Education Li-f-e DVD iso. The Linux for Education (Li-f-e) contains a wide selec...
Planet SUSE aggregates blog posts from the SUSE Linux universum, including openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise. It aggregates not only English blog posts but also as separa...
Issue #115 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Contents [hide] 1 Editors Note 2 Announcements 2.1 openSUSE News: openSUSE 11.3 Milestone ...
The third of seven scheduled milestone releases for 11.3 was completed and released on schedule. Milestone 3 focuses on using GCC 4.5 as the default compiler, leaving a g...
Issue #114 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Sascha Manns: Geeko wants you: Weekly News Team searches for new Translators Cornelius Schumacher: Are y...
The openSUSE Build Service team is happy to announce the availability of OBS 1.7.2. This release brings beside bug fixes also some new features back ported from master bra...
The next openSUSE german Wiki Team meeting will take place tomorrow Wednesday March 09 at 18:00 GMT. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-wiki-de ...
The next openSUSE Weekly News meeting will take place Saturday March 13 at 14:30 UTC. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-newsletter channel on...
Issue #113 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Pavol Rusnak: Announcing Connect! Andrew Wafaa: openSUSE & Google Summer of Code 2010 Bent...
Issue #112 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Honoring openSUSE Wiki Reviewing Contributions Michal Hrusecky: Public openSUSE 11.3 virtual machine ...
The next openSUSE Weekly News meeting will take place tomorrow (Saturday February 27) at 14:30 UTC. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-newslet...
Community, we previously put a lot of efforts into encouraging the community to contribute to our Wiki Usability Concept for both the English and the German Wiki, i.e. to ...
Issue #111 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! openSUSE News: Number Two Always Tries Harder: openSUSE Milestone 2 Linux User & Developer/Kunal De...
The next openSUSE Weekly News meeting will take place Saturday February 20 at 14:30 UTC. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-newsletter channel on...
Late last month we released the first milestone of openSUSE 11.3, now we follow up with the second. Milestone 2 is part of the milestones where we track new releases in the...
The next openSUSE german Wiki Team meeting will take place Saturday February 26) at 11:00 GMT. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-wiki-de channel...
KDE SC 4.3.5 is about to become available for openSUSE 11.2 as an online update (from 4.3.1). This release fixes many bugs, so we decided to push it as an online update in...
Issue #110 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! openSUSE News: Call for Volunteers in the German Wiki Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett: You don’t need Kopete Fac...
The openSUSE Forum Team of Administrators and Moderators has had an overhaul following a review by the openSUSE board. The new team can be reviewed here: Forum team. The fo...
On the evening of Monday the 22nd of February, the KDE Plasma, KWin and Oxygen developers will be holding a public event at the SUSE office in Nuremberg, Germany. All are ...
some of you have noticed, that we’re making a Cleanupsession in the German Wiki. Old Articles are to be deleted, other just to updated. Now we have created a new QA-Set wit...
Today, the openSUSE Build Service team released the latest version of the openSUSE Build Service, a tool that provides software developers with the ability to create and re...
Participate in the openSUSE survey 2010 to give feedback to the openSUSE project about the distribution, the openSUSE tools environment and the project in general. Let us k...
Issue #109 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Its here! openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 1 Sirko Kemter: First Art-Team meeting OStatic/Joe Brockmeier...
The first openSUSE-Medical Team meeting will take place tomorrow (Saturday February 6) at 14:00 UTC. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-medica...
We are happy to announce that we reached a state which can be considered as final version of 1.7.0. No more changes, except for the version number are planned until 1.7.0 ...
Its here! The first openSUSE 11.3 Milestone. This is the first step toward the next openSUSE release. The most important goal of this first milestone is to test the build i...
Issue #108 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! openSUSE News: Wanted: Linux Community Manager Sirko Kemter: Art-Team meeting Worldlabel.com/D...
At the end of this month Zonker, our openSUSE community manager for the last two years, will be leaving Novell. On behalf of the whole openSUSE community I would like to ta...
The openSUSE Art Team Meeting will take place on Saturday, the 30th of January, 2010 at 16:00 UTC in #opensuse-artwork IRC channel on irc.freenode.net This will be the fir...
Issue #107 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! Wiki Cleanup – Geeko wants you! Masim Sugianto: Recover Deleted Files on Linux with Extundelete ...
It is that time of the year again! FOSDEM will take place at the first weekend in February (6th/7th) in Brussels and we’re going to attend. There is a buttload of tracks...
This release is now feature complete and also the API should be final by now. Biggest changes since beta 1 are: Switch to Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 The branch...
Issue #106 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! openSUSE News: OBS supports new branch and merge handling Unixmen/srlinuxx: Five useful extensions for ...
The next openSUSE Weekly News meeting will take place tomorrow (Saturday January 16) at 14:30 UTC. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-newsletter...
The openSUSE Forums blew past another milestone on January 5th. More than 40,000 users are now registered on the openSUSE Forums! The forums are currently at 40,445 users,...
The next openSUSE Project meeting will take place Wednesday, January 13, at 16:00 UTC. The meeting time in all time zones are listed on the Fixed Time World Clock. Project ...
Michael Schröder put some effort into supporting a new way of doing a branch and merge of a package with openSUSE Build Service (OBS). This is a new feature of OBS 1.7 rele...
Issue #105 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! openSUSE Spotlight: The next openSUSE Survey Katarina Machalkova: YaST is falling, make a wish ...
Issue #104 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! TooManyTabs - Saves Your Memory 1.1.0 Alcaro Soliverez/kde.news: First KMyMoney Beta Version Available fo...