The name for this project was updated to Myrlyn on Jan. 9, 2025. YQPkg, a promising new package management tool for openSUSE, is preparing to make waves in the Linux commu...
The release of Leap 15.6 on June 12 set in motion the End of Life for maintenance and security for Leap 15.5, which will happen at the end of December. Users should upgrad...
Branding for Tumbleweed and Leap 16.0 are moving along with the creation of a visual identity for these two distinct operating system flavors. For two of openSUSE’s most n...
Hello everyone! I’d like to announce the start of development and the public availability of what we currently refer to as Leap 16.0 pre-Alpha. Since this is a pre-Alpha v...
Many thanks to all who participated in the Leap 16 branding workshop at the openSUSE Conference 2024. The enthusiasm and creativity is moving us forward to take the next st...
Leap 15.6 install media were refreshed to address an issue with old secure boot signing key for ppc64le and s390x. Refreshed images from Leap 15.6 Build 710.3 are already ...
EN / CA / CS / DE / ES / JA / PT-BR / SV / ZH-TW NUREMBERG, Germany – The release of Leap 15.6 is official and paves the way for professionals and organizations to transit...
Members of openSUSE Project are excited about the launch of Leap 15.6 on June 12 and encourages people to host a Release Party. If you don’t know how to do this, there is ...
openSUSE Leap 15.6 exited Beta and entered its Release Candidate phase with build 669.1 last week. You can get Leap 15.6 RC install images from This mean...
The openSUSE Project is thrilled to announce the Beta release phase of Leap 15.6. Feel free to download Leap 15.6 Beta images from and test it out, or upg...
The openSUSE release team confirms there will be a successor to Leap 15 and it’s a numerical leap forward. As many eagerly await the arrival of Leap 15.6 this year, a path...
The open-source world is in the midst of an exciting transformation as the openSUSE community prepares to phase in a new project logo. While the competition, which has mor...
The openSUSE community’s logo contest submission phase is now complete and voting for the logos has begun. This competition marks a pivotal moment for openSUSE and the vot...
The openSUSE Project ran a use-case survey during the month of October and results are now available via a 254-page report and a summary of the survey’s findings is on the...
A recently published openSUSE survey is asking IT professionals and users about their views on open-source technologies and the ever-evolving Linux ecosystem. The Use Case...
openSUSE Leap 15.5 was released earlier this week and release team would like to hear from you about your experience with openSUSE Leap 15.5. Did anything go particularly ...
EN / CA / CS / DE / ES / FR / JA / NL / ZH-TW NUREMBERG, Germany – The release of openSUSE’s latest 15-series version marks years of maintenance and security that began m...
We’d like to announce that the openSUSE Release team plans to work on openSUSE Leap 15.6. openSUSE Leap 15.6 is expected to be released in early June 2024 and would reach ...
Adding Python 3.11 to Leap 15.4 and newer Leap has a default Python interpreter that’s “too old”. In Leap, python3 is Python 3.6 that reached upstream end of life at the e...
This week was a busy week! Leap 15.5 enters the Release Candidate phase! According to the roadmap users can expect the final release shortly after the openSUSE Conference ...
The release manager for openSUSE Leap Luboš Kocman is expected to announce the Beta release phase of Leap 15.5 soon. The first Beta release is syncing on mirrors globally f...
Users of openSUSE Leap 15.3 will not be receiving security and maintenance updates once the version goes EOL (end of life) on the last day of 2022. Marcus Meissner gave us...
As of today, nodejs14 as well as any older nodejs versions will no longer receive updates in openSUSE Leap 15.4. Users are adviced to switch to nodejs16 instead. The nodej...
NUREMBERG, Germany, Oct. 19, 2022 - A recent campaign of medical-surgical assistance in Senegal by a Non-Governmental Organization highlights the benefits of using open-so...
Leap Micro 5.3, which is a modern lightweight host operating system, is now available for beta testing on The beta version is only expected to be availab...
We are seeking feedback regarding the release of openSUSE Leap 15.4, which was released to the general public on June 8. With this survey, what we’re looking from you is b...
The openSUSE community has been having community meetings on a regular basis for some time and attendees in the latest meeting have expressed a desire to grow the communica...
CA / CS / ES / FR / JA / NL / PT-BR / SV / ZH-CN / ZH-TW NUREMBERG, Germany – The next minor release of openSUSE Leap 15 is now available on for users, pr...
Members of the openSUSE Brazilian community are getting together for a release party on June 15 for openSUSE Leap 15.4. The team is developing a full schedule and will be ...
Snapshots for openSUSE Tumbleweed have been continuously released this month. This week we will look at packages released in four snapshots since Friday. However, before v...
The openSUSE Project has entered the Release Candidate phase for the next minor release version of the openSUSE Leap distribution. The upcoming release of Leap 15.4 transi...
People browsing through openSUSE’s websites may spot something new on Leap Micro, which is currently showing the 5.2 beta version, is for containerized a...
Submitting bug reports related to openSUSE’s traditional release over the years had some abnormalities as reporting bugs for Leap’s distribution had SUSE Linux Enterprise c...
The next openSUSE Leap minor release, 15.4, has entered its beta release phase today and users can begin testing the minor version to find bugs before the general release s...
The release manager for openSUSE Leap Luboš Kocman is expected to announce the Beta release phase of Leap 15.4 this week, according to the roadmap. That means the openSUSE ...
This week’s openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots delivered exciting news not only to rolling release users, but also brought significant news for users of the long-established Lea...
The openSUSE community received cheerful news today after Leap release manager Luboš Kocman updated the community on the desktop environment expected for the next minor rel...
The start of an openSUSE survey has begun, and users, open-source contributors and community members are encouraged to take the annual survey. Last year the community star...
Users of openSUSE Leap 15.2 will not be receiving security and maintenance updates as the version is now EOL (end of life) as of Jan. 4, 2022. EOL ends updates for the ope...
Alpha releases of openSUSE Leap 15.4 are now available for download on The fourth minor release of Leap 15 has entered its alpha development stage. Durin...
The openSUSE Project has posted results from a recent survey that ran between Oct. 7 and Oct. 29. The aim was to gather more information from open-source developers, devel...
The release manager for openSUSE Leap has announced the release of the first quarterly iso image update for the 15.3 release Dubbed as respins, these updates refresh the i...
NUREMBERG, Germany, Oct. 20, 2021 - Thousands of patients in the coastal area of Kribi, Cameroon, are set to gain enhanced health-care delivery as a hospital in the city ex...
In response to feedback from openSUSE users, Leap is expecting to have regular rebuilds of the distribution on a quarterly or as needed basis soon. These respins, which re...
The openSUSE Project is trying to gather more information from open-source developers, development teams, packagers and maintainers through the latest survey that will run ...
The recent release of openSUSE Leap 15.3 has gained some maintenance improvements from a new repository setup. Maintenance efforts for Leap related to Closing the Leap Gap...
Our survey about the release of openSUSE Leap 15.3 has ended and the results will be discussed in a release retrospective at the openSUSE Conference in the coming days. “I...
The release party in the openSUSE bar continues on more than a week after the release of openSUSE Leap 15.3, yet that’s not the only thing soaring for the project. The ada...
Developers of the openSUSE community are making advances toward even broader hardware support through the FrontRunner project. FrontRunner is a rebuild of SUSE Linux Enter...
The openSUSE Project has a lot going on lately. The project just released Leap 15.3, had 24-hour release party in the openSUSE Bar and opened a survey to get feedback on t...
CA / CS / ES / FR / ID / IT / NL / PT / SV / ZH-CN / ZH-TW NUREMBERG, Germany, June 2, 2021 – openSUSE Leap 15.3 is released! The newest minor version of openSUSE Leap is...
The release manager of openSUSE Leap is finishing up the release of Leap 15.3, but wants to keep contributors and developers informed about an early feature request deadlin...
The openSUSE Project is planning to have a 24-hour release party in the openSUSE Bar immediately after the release of openSUSE Leap 15.3. The virtual release party will ha...
While focused on the openSUSE Innovator initiative as an openSUSE member and official Intel oneAPI innovator, I tested the RealSenseID device on openSUSE Leap 15.1, 15.2, 1...
A startup bringing personal workspaces in the cloud for students, workers, coders, and creators along with a Linux project for developers, system administrators and users a...
Developers of the openSUSE community are looking to utilize armv7l efforts in the context of openSUSE Step to evolve how openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise are develop...
The openSUSE Project and its community, contributors and release engineers have entered the Release Candidate phase for the upcoming openSUSE Leap 15.3 version today after ...
openSUSE Leap has entered into the beta release phase today for its 15.3 minor version. This openSUSE Leap 15.3 version is a solidified release that focuses more on the bu...
We’re delighted to announce a new project in the openSUSE Project family called openSUSE Step. openSUSE Step is a community effort to rebuild SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) f...
While focused on the openSUSE Innovator initiative as an openSUSE member and official Intel oneAPI innovator, I tested the OAK AI Kit device on openSUSE Leap 15.1, 15.2 and...
The openSUSE community has published the End of the Year Community Survey results. The results provided some significant information about the project’s tools, its distrib...
This year has been tough. But times of difficulties and challenges are also opportunities to reflect on where we come from, as a thriving global open-source community, and ...
Alpha images of openSUSE’s next stable fixed release openSUSE Leap 15.3 are now available for testing at Release Manager Luboš...
Users of the community enterprise distributions can be confident in the direction of openSUSE Leap for those who might be hunting for a stable Linux distribution that offer...
Members of the openSUSE release team members will share results of openSUSE on arm during two separate online sessions on openSUSE’s Jisti instance Dec. 2. The first sessi...
The openSUSE release team has established a survey to gain greater insights into the use cases of people using or developing for ARMv6, ARMv7 and ARMv8. The introduction t...
Members of the openSUSE community are separated by great distances, but that didn’t keep them from coming together virtually on Nov. 4 to kickoff the development of the nex...
The openSUSE community is inviting package maintainers, contributors, open source developers and Leap 15.3 stakeholders to join the openSUSE community for a kickoff of Leap...
The openSUSE Project is progressing with the state of openSUSE Jump, which is the interim name given to the experimental distribution in the Open Build Service. openSUSE L...
Ritchie is an open source tool developed from ZUP Company that allows you to create, store and share automations securely. It also optimizes repetitive commands so you have...
The prototype project openSUSE Jump is now available for Alpha phase testing. Jump is an interim name given to the experimental distribution in the Open Build Service as de...
The release manager for openSUSE Leap, Lubos Kocman, has updated openSUSE’s develop community on efforts to bring the codes of Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise closer togethe...
Members of the openSUSE community will have two retrospective meetings about the release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 after receiving feedback from the recent survey. The meeting...
Italian Linux users did an openSUSE Leap 15.2 Launch Party, at the local LUG (it’s called GOLEM, it’s in a small town in central Italy), and Dario Faggioli made a quick r...
As leader of the openSUSE Innovator initiative, openSUSE member and official oneAPI innovator, I tested the new release of the tool on openSUSE Leap 15.1, 15.2 and Tumblewe...
The openSUSE release team is would like feedback from users, developers and stakeholders about the release of the of community-developed openSUSE Leap 15.2 through a survey...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 continues to expand its use and is now available for Windows Subsystem for Linux in the Microsoft Store. Leap can be executed on top of W...
ISO 639-1 Languages - CA - CS - DE - FR - ID - IT - ES - JA - ZH-TW - PT NUREMBERG, Germany (02/07/2020) – The openSUSE release team is proud to announce the availability ...
Having a party to celebrate an achievement is rewarding and the openSUSE community knows how to party; and get things done. This is no exception during the time of the pand...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 will be released soon. To help spread the word about the release, we have counters available at and more artwork uplo...
Build Tensorflow 2.1.1 with CUDA support Tensorflow 2.1.1 is available in Tumbleweed and Leap 15.2 but has no CUDA support enabled, due to legal issues with NVIDIA. As CUDA...
The openSUSE community, contributors and release engineers for the project have entered into the release candidate phase today after the Build “665.2” snapshot was released...
SUSECON Digital 2020 starts today and it is free to register and participate in SUSE’s premier annual event. This year features more than 190 sessions and hands-on trainin...
SUSE has sent a proposal to the openSUSE community about bringing the code streams of both SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE Leap closer together. The proposal includes SL...
In this article, we will discover a softwares trio that will allow you to manage and listen to your music from your terminal: mpd: the music player daemon mpc: a CLI i...
Dot what ??? What is commonly referred to as dotfiles are all those small plain text files that contain your softwares’ configuration. Most of the time they reside in your...
openSUSE Leap 15.2 entered the Beta phase last week and has already released two snapshots with the release of build 581.2 and build 588.2. Leap has a rolling development m...
Three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots arrived this week and the snapshots provided a few major version upgrades and several minor updates with newer features. The latest sna...
Planning for the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference has begun and members of the open-source communities can now register for the conference. The Call for Papers is open and...
Last week, we introduced Tilix and started exploring its basics, let’s now familiarize ourselves with the advanced features of Tilix, namely: Management of bookmar...
Today we present Tilix, a tiling terminal emulator, and share some tips that make this terminal an excellent tool for all users especially system administrators. As a remin...
Two openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots were released this week that updated several libraries as well as updates for GNOME, Ruby, Samba, Mozilla and the LLVM compiler. Snapshot...
The openSUSE Community is going to Ireland March 27 and 28, 2020, for openSUSE Summit Dublin. Registration for the summit has begun and the Call for Papers is open until F...
It’s been way too long since the last blog post, so we’ve got quite a lot to report on! Plasma 5.17 Beta The Beta version of Plasma 5.17 was released with many new featur...
Contributors of Uyuni Project have released a new version of Uyuni 4.0.2, which is an open-source infrastructure management solution tailored for software-defined infrast...
There have been a total of five openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots since the beginning of July and all the snapshots have a strong, stable rating. The rolling release had the m...
Leap 15.1 Supports More Hardware, Drivers, Enhances Installation EN / CA / DE / FR / IT / ES / JA / NL / PL / ZH / ZH-TW 22/05/2019 ** NUREMBERG, Germany **- Today’s r...
openSUSE and TUXEDO Computers want to offer the best user experience KÖNIGSBRUNN, Germany – The cooperation between TUXEDO Computers and the openSUSE project has existed...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15.1 is about three weeks away. To help spread the word about the release, we have counters available at and more artwork ...
Hunt for bugs & have a lot of fun! The release manager for openSUSE Leap announced that Leap 15.1 entered its Beta phase this week and that means it’s time for a Bet...
openSUSE is pleased to announce the first phase for accepting talks for the openSUSE Conference 2019 (oSC19) has begun. A total of 80 talks were submitted during the call ...
The release of openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots have been steadily coming out this month and some of the more recent packages in the snapshots are bringing about significant c...
The open-source community has a new project designed to help Linux/GNU distributions with the legal review process of licenses. The new project called Cavil is legal revie...
Plasma 5.14 Plasma 5.14 was released with many improvements. It was planned to have it in a released in a Tumbleweed snapshot on the same day, but openQA issues prevented...
Dear Community, It has been more than a year since the openSUSE community started the Kubic Project, and it’s worth looking back over the last months and evaluating where ...
The usual lifetime of openSUSE Leap minor versions have traditionally received updates for about 18 months, but the minor version of Leap 42.3 is being extended. The last ...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15 two weeks ago is following up with its Build to Scale theme by offering images for Raspberry Pis, Beagle Boards, Arndale board, CuBox-i comp...
The openSUSE Project once again donated 10 Raspberry Pis to GNU Health Project, which were handed over to the project’s founder Luis Falcon at the openSUSE Conference today...
EN, CA, CZ, DE, ES, JA, PL, PT-BR, ZH, ZH-TW Fresh community build on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 brings huge variety of newest software, easy migration to SLE, transa...
There are just 9 days left for the release of openSUSE Leap 15 and the community can help spread the word of the release by having a release party and promoting the newest ...
This blog is part of a series of technical blogs leading up to the release of openSUSE Leap 15. All of the blogs provide a use case regarding openSUSE Leap and the packages...
The openSUSE Conference is right around the corner and attendees list keeps growing for oSC18, which will take place May 25 - 27 at the Faculty of Information Technologies ...
This blog is part of a series of technical blogs leading up to the release of openSUSE Leap 15. All of the blogs provide a use case regarding openSUSE Leap and the pack...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15 is scheduled to be release during the first day of this year’s openSUSE Conference in Prague, Czech Republic on May 25. The package submiss...
KDE Plasma 5.8 users coming from openSUSE Leap 42.3 to Plasma 5.12 on Leap 15 will notice significant changes when upgrading to the new versions. The boot up time for KD...
This Tuesday KDE released the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Plasma desktop 5.12. A key point in this new release is that Wayland support was extensively wo...
Mesa 18, cryptsetup 2 Also Arrive in Snapshots ### KDE Plasma 5.12 transitioned from it beta version of 5.11.95 to the official release in an openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot...
The development version of openSUSE Leap 15 has reached its beta phase builds and snapshots are available for testers via //
The minor release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 will reach its End-of-Life (EOL) this week on Jan. 26. The EOL phase ends the updates to the operating system, and those who contin...
What you need to know about the new storage stack (storage-ng) Changes to YaST are coming and people using openSUSE Tumbleweed will be the first to experience these planne...
Hi folks, By now you probably heard about the new “Spectre” and “Meltdown” side channel attacks against current processors. openSUSE, same as almost all other current ope...
Getting the masses to move to a Linux distribution can be challenging, but the openSUSE Project is doing its part to get people started with open-source software. Members ...
Merging SUSE Studio and Open Build Service Written by Andreas Jaeger SUSE Studio was launched in 2009 to make building images really easy. Nowadays, images are used every...
Cloud images for openSUSE Leap 42.3 are now available for Azure, Google Compute Engine and more cloud providers. The images for Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2) are expected ...
(Languages: DE, ES, FR, IT, ZH, zh_TW) openSUSE Leap 42.3 Gives Smooth Desktop and Server Upgrade The openSUSE Project released openSUSE Leap 42.3 today bringing the comm...
Many people are anxiously awaiting for the release of openSUSE Leap 42.3 next week, but before the release arrives, you can prepare for a Release Party to celebrate the upc...
You might have noticed some normally unwanted activity over the last weeks affecting the openSUSE infrastructure - resulting in reduced availability or downtime of the prov...
Interviews with people involved in the openSUSE Project have returned and new pages will be added in the future highlighting individuals involved in the community project. ...
Rolling Development Still needs Testing, Promoters Since changing to a rolling development version model for the eventual release of openSUSE Leap 42.3, challenges have ar...
This year’s openSUSE Conference has so far been a blast and the talks from Day 1 of the conference have already been uploaded to the openSUSETV YouTube channel. For the p...
Sources from the beta version of SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) Service Pack 3 (SP3) arrived today in the latest build for openSUSE’s next minor release of the 42 series. The...
Creating cool projects is what makes openSUSE so much fun and a recent project by an openSUSE member highlights just how creative and fun one can be using openSUSE. Adrian...
The GNU Health Project is one of many noble open-source projects and the openSUSE Project is pleased to announce it has donated 10 Raspberry Pis to help expand the use and ...
Cloud images for openSUSE Leap 42.2 are now available for Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2), Azure, Google Compute Engine and more cloud providers. Last week, openSUSE Leap 42...
Release also includes support for ARMv7 The latest release from openSUSE has new images available for the Raspberry Pi and joins SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspber...
It’s official; the Warrior Tablet made by MJ Technology and powered by openSUSE is ready for the world; now it just needs funding through an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign...
**A Professional Distribution for Developers, System Administrators and Users ** (Languages: CZ, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, JA, LT, TW) Members of the openSUSE Project ar...
The development cycle for openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Candidates (RC) is coming to an end. RC2, which will be followed by the stable release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 on Nov. 1...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the availability of the openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1). Since mid-May, the project has been guiding the developme...
The openSUSE Leap 42.2 Beta 3 was released today one day ahead of schedule and the last beta for 42.2 brought quite a few new versions for people to test. VirtualBox was u...
The release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 Beta 2 today added several new minor versions including KDE’s first Long Term Support version for Plasma. The highly anticipated release ...
Official Release Scheduled for Nov. 16 Software testers and Linux enthusiasts can now get the Beta release of openSUSE Leap 42.2, which was released today. “Leap is for p...
openSUSE Tumbleweed had another abundant week of snapshots. Four Tumbleweed snapshots were released since the last article and the snapshot of the week, 20160816, brought ...
Snapshot 20160808 brought openSUSE Tumbleweed users Plasma 5.72 shortly after last week’s article was published, but it didn’t last long. This week Tumbleweed appears to h...
Since the release of Linux Kernel 4.7 in the 20160730 snapshot, which brought lengthy email discussions about out-of-tree and third-party drivers on the Factory mailing lis...
A new GNU Compiler Collection for openSUSE’s rolling release Tumbleweed is scheduled to arrive soon. Tumbleweed 20160613 snapshot will be the last snapshot to be based on ...
Tumbleweed had one snapshot so far this week that brought more appeal to users of openSUSE. Snapshot 20151123 changed fonts for openSUSE. The terminal font changed to Adob...
The openSUSE Project has been very busy this week. The project shared a booth with SUSE at the Supercomputing Conference in Austin, Texas, this week. The theme (see phot...
Bridging Community and Enterprise (In other languages: EL, LT, SP, FR) The wait is over and a new era begins for openSUSE releases. Contributors, friends and fans can now...
The wait is almost over to download openSUSE Leap 42.1. Next week users worldwide will be able to enjoy the power and stability of openSUSE’s newest release when it is unve...
The Release Candidate (RC1) of Leap 42.1 is out and with it comes more packages as well as a new office suite. LibreOffice 5 is in the RC1 and about 400 more packages mad...
Today openSUSE released the Beta of Leap 42.1, providing an all new look that deviates from previous versions. The newest regular release from openSUSE has changes to Grub...
Tumbleweed had no snapshots this week but that doesn’t mean improvements are not taking place. Dominique Leuenberger announced in the Tumbleweed weekly review on the openS...
The second milestone for openSUSE’s newest distribution Leap was released today and it’s filled with packages that will interest open-source users everywhere and Linux prof...
Leap roadmap details released The second milestone for openSUSE’s newest distribution Leap is scheduled for release Sept. 4. The release of the milestone will start to al...
The newest openSUSE release Leap 42.1, which is based on core SUSE Linux Enterprise source code, has just released its first development milestone. Milestone is being used...