openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 176 is out!
21. May 2011 | Sascha Manns | No License
We are pleased to announce the Issue 176 of the openSUSE Weekly News.
openSUSE Weekly News
### openSUSE Weekly News Team
176 Edition
Legal Notice
This work (compilation) is licenced under Creative Commons attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The rights for the compilation itself are copyright by Sascha Manns.
Opt-Out: If you are an Author and don’t want to be included in the openSUSE Weekly News, just send a Mail to: <[](>
Copyrights of the referenced articles are owned by original authors or copyright owners. If you want to reuse those articles, ask each original copyright owner which license should be applied. We don’t reprint any Article without a free license, we just introduce it then under the Agreement of the German Copyright Law.
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Published: 2011-05-21
Table of Contents
Announcements Google Summer of Code Status Updates
Distribution Team Reports In the Community
Postings from the Community Events & Meetings openSUSE for your Ears Communication Contributors Security Updates Kernel Review Tips and Tricks
For Desktop Users For Commandline/Script Newbies For Developers and Programmers For System Administrators Planet SUSE openSUSE Forums On the Web
Announcements Call for participation Reports Reviews and Essays Feedback Credits Acknowledgements Copyrights
List of our Licenses Trademarks Translations
We are pleased to announce our 176th issue of the openSUSE Weekly News.
You can also read this issue in other formats here.
Enjoy reading :-)
openSUSE Conference 2011 to be creative and open!
Time to get ready for the openSUSE Conference 2011
On Sunday the 11th of September it will be that time again: the openSUSE Conference starts. And of course we want an exciting program. Today, the proposal submission time starts and you have until July 11th to let us know what you want to discuss at the conference!
The openSUSE Conference
The openSUSE conference is where Free Software people meet. And a meeting of so many developers, artists, translators, documentation writers and others leads to great things! The latest Free Software technologies will be showcased, cool projects initiated and great ideas discussed. Last year, the conference was awesome and resulted in many new projects and collaborative efforts. This year, the conference will be combined with the SUSE Labs conference to bring even more brilliant minds together! The SUSE Labs conference has traditionally been about advancing low-level technology like the kernel and surrounding infrastructure as well as server related, deployment and management tools.
The openSUSE Conference 2011 will happen from Sunday 11th to Wednesday 14th of September in Nuremberg, Germany. This date shouldn’t conflict with too many other conferences. We’ll be open for registration and a pre-party on Saturday night! The website on is being updated still and we’ll let you know once you can register.
We expect about 500 visitors this year and hence had to find a new location. A perfect spot was found in a previous industrial complex from AEG named ‘Zentrifuge‘. This cultural center might not be the ‘usual’ space for an IT conference but offers a very creative and open space, currently used for art and music. Exactly right for the openSUSE Free Software gathering! (…)
License: GFDL 1.2
Google Summer of Code▲▼
Manu Gupta: My GSoC Project – SaX3
Well, SaX off course needs no introduction for old time openSUSE and SUSE Users and certainly lots of people want it to be back on openSUSE. My proposal for Google Summer Of Code for SaX3 was selected and my mentor will be Michal Hrušecký. Now I will tell about the little interesting things on which I will be working on and some of the more interesting things later on at the end of the blog post.
SaX as most of on planet SUSE knows stands for SUSE Advanced X Configuration Tool, but for others lets say we want to have a Graphical Front End for Xorg.conf.d, so that we can easily configure our hardware too. The specific bits on which I will be focusing would be keyboard, mouse, touchpad and offcourse whats SaX without a good screen configuration tool like monitor, yes we will support that. One of the interesting features that SaX3 will support that it will have a graphical UI for ncurses mode even, so even if your X is not functioning, you dont need to remember a lot of command line commands.
Status Updates▲▼
Important Links
Team Reports
Build Service Team
Build Service Statistics. Statistics can found at Buildservice
[Frédéric Crozat: ISO image for GNOME3 promo DVD available for download](//
a quick post for people who want the GNOME 3 promo DVD iso image (it is based on 1.1.0 image, combining both x86 and x86-64 images and some demo video and music).
You can download it at : //
Beware this image will not be updated, it is just there for archiving purpose.
[Nelson Marques: Advancing with GNOME:Ayatana repository](//
Last week I’ve received an email from Bruce Byfield asking a few questions about this project. I’ve replied honestly as I would to anyone, I’ve faced several issues, and it sounded wise to me to hold a bit this. Since the Beta release of Natty that I’m following a technology forum in Portugal (over 150.000 users) and making a few notes on what peoples perceptions are about Unity and Natty.
From what I see amongst this segment of the Linux users in my country, it’s interesting… While legacy users are moving away from Ubuntu to other alternatives seeking GNOME3 (no one seems to be moving from GNOME/Unity to KDE), others are satisfied with Unity. The biggest problem with Natty users so far comes regarding Networking issues and hardware compatibility… and once more Ubuntu’s kernels seem to be driving some people to desperation with the classical MCE’s.
A few days (4 days ago), Compiz 0.9.5 has been released. I’ve taken a look on the Ubuntu package and the patch level has dropped substantially, which points that upstream has absorbed most of them. Dominique already has 0.9.5 prepared on X11:Compiz (though the version needs a bump on the spec) and I’m going to test them out and start branching them over to GNOME:Ayatana during the next days and depending on the availability of reviews. This should be peaceful.
For this repository I’m going to enable a small pattern to provide a simple 1-Click Installer for Compiz alone, this means that people will be able to test the patched version of Compiz in which Unity will be build upon in the future.
After Compiz is established on GNOME:Ayatana, I’m going to get back to Unity and prepare Unity2D for deployment (being Unity a task for the future). Now if some people wonder why all of this innactivity? The answer is simple… GNOME3 was being prepared and launched, and it deserved all the spotlights!
Now that GNOME3 has proudly established itself on it’s segment and despite the press attacks, the communities I keep tracking, I see what seems to be a substantial increase of interest on GNOME3. I would personally consider GNOME3 launch a success. (…)
[Nelson Marques: Unity 2D to enter GNOME:Ayatana soon…](//
In the past days I’ve been packaging and fixing some issues on Unity 2D for inclusion on the GNOME:Ayatana repository in the openSUSE Build Service.
This gave me an excellent opportunity to test a few components share by both, Unity and Unity 2D, which is the case of ‘unity-place-applications’ and ‘unity-place-files’, both using Zeitgeist which is already in Factory for the upcoming openSUSE 12.1. We thank the integration of this packages to Federico Quintero. Thanks Fred.
A few more additional packages need some care and once they get updated and tested they will be uploaded to GNOME:Ayatana, at which time I will provide an installer (1-Click) for those willing to test Unity-2D. Unity 2D will be the first application to use the indicators I have prepared in the past which all all found working, except 1, the AppMenu (strangely it works on GNOME2 panel without issues).
This is how Unity 2D looks like. There are transparencies because I enabled ‘composite’ on metacity, which works very nicely. As far as I could understand, the developers of Unity 2D are also looking into implementing Compiz with Unity 2D, which would be sweet. (…)
openFATE Team
Top voted Features
[decouple download and installation (Score: 348)](
Network installation could be improved by running package download and package installation in parallel.
[Look at plymouth for splash during boot (Score: 183)](
I wanted to open a fate feature about this when I first heard of plymouth, but reading // really makes me think we should go this way.
Ray’s comment starting with “Every flicker and mode change in the boot process takes away from the whole experience.” is especially interesting. Is it okay to track the “don’t show grub by default” here?
[Update to GRUB v2 (Score: 124)](
Every single bug or feature that anyone has developed for GRUB 0.97 has been rejected by the upstream project in favor of using GRUB 2. There has been resisitence in the distribution community to switching boot loaders, but this stalemate isn’t going to go away. The code itself isn’t well written or well maintained. Adding a new feature involves jumping through a lot of hoops that may or may not work even if you manage to work around all the runtime limitations. For example, a fs implementation has a static buffer it can use for memory management. It’s only 32k. For complex file systems, or even a simple journaled file system, we run into problems (like the reiserfs taking forever to load bug) because we don’t have enough memory to do block mapping for the journal so it needs to scan it for every metadata read. (Yeah, really.) (…)
[Popularity contest (Score: 99)](
We need a feedback about packages that are preferred by users and actively used. Debian already has a tool named Popularity contest (popcon)
reusing popcon will give us results that are directly comparable with Debian and Ubuntu
packagers team can take care of the package
we need a configuration dialog in YaST that is visible enough
we need a server infrastructure on (There are certain privacy issues, see Debian FAQ for details)
Recently requested features
Features newly requested last week. Please vote and/or comment if you get interested.
[clear /tmp-dir at bootup](
Please clear the /tmp-dir at boot-up per default.
At the moment this has to be activated manually with every new installation, is there a reason for not doing this out of the box?
[Add BlueGriffon web editor to the repositories](
BlueGriffon is a relatively young project, but it does seem to be very good when compared to some of the other open source tools, not to mention that it’s still a very active project.
[YaST should warn during install if swap partition is too small for suspending](
I made the mistake and installed just 2 GB swap on a laptop with 4 GB ram. I just forgot to think about suspending the computer will need an suitable swap partition. Now it’s sometimes working an sometimes not…
It would be nice and helpful if YaST would warn the user about that problem during the install process.
[Push Perl 5.14 to Tumbleweed repository](
Perl 5.14 is here. Please, add new version on Tumbleweed repository.
[get rid of /etc/sysconfig/sysctl](
/etc/sysconfig/sysctl and therefore boot.proc and boot.ipconfig should be dropped in favor of directly using /etc/sysctl.conf Distro defaults should be provided via /lib/sysctl.d./*.conf so we don’t produce .rpmnew files on upgrade.
write script to convert old setings in aaa_base’s %post [ready]
write patch for sysctl to read /lib/sysctl.d/*.conf [ready]
adjust yast modules
Affected yast modules:
[Add --conf-foo flag to zypper for all "foo" in /etc/zypp.conf](
[ ]
Flags to override settings in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf, such as –repos-dir, –cache-dir, –raw-cache-dir, have been requested and added piecemeal over time. See for example Bug #441377 and Bug #693740. How about solving this once and for all with a generic flag pattern, so that e.g. –conf-sect-foo would be override the setting for config variable `foo’ in section [sect] of /etc/zypp/zypp.conf. So for example, packagesdir could be overridden via –conf-main-packagesdir. Etc.
This is what many other utilities do. For example, OpenSSH does with the ‘-o’ flag (e.g., `-oPort=1234’).
[AuthorizedKeysCommand patch for openssh OR openssh-lpk](
There has long been a need to combine opensshd authorized keys with ldap. A couple of solutions have come about, and I would love to see one of these make it mainstream with opensuse. Here is one patch I have found that is supposedly being implemented on both Fedora and RHEL6 products:
Of course there is the openssh-lpk patch as well.
My company has standardized on suse some time ago, but by policy we require dual factor authentication (key and password). We can not move to an ldap solution until there is a way to integrate ssh keys into ldap. We are a growing company and it is getting to the stage where it is painful to manage each server individually without a centralized system for authentication.
[Qualcomm Gobi Wizard, making mobile broadband simple](
My HP un2400 Gobi device is supported and should work. Whether it is due to USB mode switching or that the gobi_loader does not work correctly I do not know. There should be a simple wizard like that which ships under Windows (VZW connection manager) to allow me and other users in the same situation to easily make us of the Mobile Broadband we pay for. This is the final thing keeping me from wiping Windows off my netbook entirely.
Feature Statistics
Statistics for openSUSE distribution in openFATE
Testing Team
[Larry Finger: Weekly News for Weekly News for May 21](//
The Testing Core Team met on Monday, May 9 at 17:00 UTC. The main topic of discussion was preparing for the upcoming openSUSE 12.1 release. We decided that a Feature Test Plan needs to be developed. As the nature of the new features in 12.1 becomes clearer, such a plan will evolve.
We also discussed whether the TCT should be involved with testing of Tumbleweed or Evergreen. As none of us are users of these two products, the general consensus was that we should concentrate on 12.1 and not get officially involved with these other activities.
Our next meeting will be Monday, May 23 at 17:00 UTC on our usual IRC channel. This meeting was scheduled to occur after the release of 12.1 M1; however, that event is delayed. I expect a short discussion.
Translation Team
Daily updated translation statistics are available on the openSUSE Localization Portal.
In the Community▲▼
Postings from the Community
[Michal Hrušecký: LinuxTag 2011](//
Last week I was at LinuxTag in Berlin. It was a great event. This time it was my second year there. I really enjoyed the first year and so I did this time as well. I spoke to many people, learned new interesting stuff and my todo list got again somehow longer
And I believe that I also showed some interesting stuff to the people at our booth. I was speaking about GNOME Shell to anybody who happened to be nearby and everybody liked it! Good work, GNOME guys! I’m glad I was able to be there and I want to share few pictures from the event with you, so even if you couldn’t make it there, you’ll see at least a little bit of what we were doing. We had a lot of fun
[Marcus Meissner: Wine on Linuxtag 2011](//
As Christian Boltz and myself held a quite successful talk on Wine on the 2010 openSUSE conference, we decided to again hold a talk at Germanys largest Linux fair, Linux Tag 2011 in Berlin.
We again ran the pun talk “Wine” (not) the Emulator vs “Wine” the beverage, with Christian talking about life and work at a vineyard and his wine grower community at Deutsches Weintor.
Included in this talk was a Wine tasting of 4 different kinds of Wine, as grown in the area were Christian lives.
His stories on Vineyard activities and the processing from grape to wine interluded with myself talking about Wine the Emulator, its historical and statistical parts, game support and futures.
Around 70 people enjoyed our light hearted wrap up talk of this Linux Tag conference.
Images: by hueck2342 at, licensed as Creative Commons – Share Alike, Attribute, Non Commercial //
[Jos Poortvliet: LinuxTag 2011](//
Last week openSUSE had 30 Geekos at LinuxTag in Berlin. Awesome times, with the exception of the last day when we figured out the power supplies of our nice big touchscreens were stolen… And to think the thieves left the beamer?!?
But aside that little snag, we rocked. At the booth we had mini-presentations, which weren’t as successful as last year, but the 15 presentations we gave in the big rooms worked out just fine. Of course, Vincent Untz had to give his cross-distribution ollaboration talk as first presentation on the day after the party and my own openSUSE 11.4 intro was scheduled at the same time as fellow Geeko Eckhart’s talk about Wayland.
Still, I’m quite sure we got the word out on openSUSE. Especially when it comes to ‘openSUSE is more than a distro’. Personally, I feel more and more strongly on that subject. Presenting openSUSE 11.4 is nice - we’ve got some interesting things there, but honestly - what is really so special about the specific kernel or LibreOffice version we ship? I feel a lot happier telling people about Tumbleweed or OBS! (…)
[Vincent Untz: Solutions Linux & LinuxTag 2011](//
I was traveling last week to attend two events: Solutions Linux in Paris and LinuxTag in Berlin. It was a bit unfortunate that they happened during the same week, as they conflicted for two days — which means I missed some days for both events. And on top of that, the Ubuntu Developer Summit was also last week, which resulted in some people missing the events…
Compared to last year, both events had a quite visible difference in terms of number of visitors. I’m not exactly sure why this is so; it could be because there were conflicts with other events, or also because they moved to first half of May, which is different from previous years.
What was most amazing, however, was to be present at booths just one month after the GNOME 3.0 release. For both events, we had tons of GNOME 3 PromoDVDs (kindly offered on behalf of the openSUSE project) to give away, and that was a big success: I think we gave around 600 of them at Solutions Linux and probably a similar amount, if not more, at LinuxTag (Tobias would know better than me here).
[Thomas Schmidt: Linuxtag 2011 in Berlin](//
Berlin is a great location for the Linuxtag, it’s always nice to come there. Just have a look at the photo: The boosters are getting hip! Nearly the complete boosters team was there to meet, be available at our booth for questions and take part at the talks. With over 10.000 attendees it’s the biggest event of this kind, and you can be sure to always meet some well known faces of the openSUSE community there.
On the technical side, there were some interesting talks about virtualization, cross-distribution, kernel and the usage of free software in business environments just to give a few examples. (…)
[Jos Poortvliet: Promoting openSUSE at a conference](//
openSUSE has many ambassadors who go out to conferences to talk about openSUSE like last week at LinuxTag. The marketing team provides them with a number of resources:
The openSUSE talking points
The openSUSE artwork repository
The openSUSE ambassador wiki
Each of those is frequently undergoing changes and improvements. The latest change to the talking points, for example, introduces three elevator pitches to help you quickly explain openSUSE to people. Input (preferably in the form of fixes to the linked wiki page!) is of course welcome.
The artwork repository offers lots of poster- and flyer artwork as well as a number of ready-made presentations. Unfortunately git, which is where this is all hosted, is not super-nice as a way to distribute content. The presentations are up to 25 mb, which you can’t download from gitorious directly… Luckily, Bruno “Tigerfoot” Friedman has set up a nice mirror where you can download the presentations.
However, for input, git merge requests are certainly preferred :D
The Ambassador portal on the wiki leads you to lots of good resources, like how to organize an event.
So, ambassadors, use what we have - and let us know if it works for you or even better - just improve it!
[Greg Kroah-Hartman: Help me come up with good questions for Linus at LinuxCon Japan 2011](//
My previous plea for help worked out very well. The resulting video of the talk can be seen here, with one of the highlights being the phrase, “It is cheaper to work upstream in the kernel” from Dirk Hohndel who works at Intel. There’s a summary of the talk on over here if you don’t want to sit through the whole video.
Since I received so many good questions that I worked into the talk last time, I figured I would try it again. In a few weeks, I’ll be interviewing Linus Torvalds on stage at the LinuxCon Japan conference, with the topic naturally being “20 Years of Linux.”
But there’s no reason we have to stick with that topic, right? Send me your ideas and questions and I’ll do my best to pick through them and come up with something entertaining enough to fill up a 45 minute discussion between two boring Linux kernel developers.
[Rousinopoulos Athanasios-Ilias: Participation of openSUSE Greek Community in Bazaar, May 14, 2011 (REPORT)](//
On May 14 2011, we joined the calling from our friends from the web page They had a bazaar in , Thessaloniki, New statue K.Karamanlis (40.622943, 22.951405 in google maps).
Xariseto is a festival where people meet and donate their personal belongings which they don’t use any more. So as a Linux and openSUSE community we thought that participating in these kind of festivals is really interesting.
Me and Efstathios Iosifidis set up a booth in order to inform people about FOSS and openSUSE project. We had all the related stuff about Gnome and openSUSE project around the booth (DVD’s , Cheat Sheet, flyer).
Events & Meetings
You can find more informations on other events at: openSUSE News/Events. - Local Events
openSUSE for your Ears
The openSUSE Weekly News are available as podcast in German. You can hear it or download it on //
Security Updates▲▼
To view the security announcements in full, or to receive them as soon as they’re released, refer to the openSUSE Security Announce mailing list.
[SUSE Security Announcement: Linux kernel (SUSE-SA:2011:026)](//
Package: | **kernel** |
Announcement ID: | SUSE-SA:2011:026 |
Date: | Fri, 20 May 2011 10:00:00 +0000 |
Affected Products: | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP4 SLE SDK 10 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4 |
Vulnerability Type: | remote denial of service |
[SUSE Security Announcement: flash-player (SUSE-SA:2011:025)](//
Package: | **flash-player** |
Announcement ID: | SUSE-SA:2011:025 |
Date: | Tue, 17 May 2011 12:00:00 +0000 |
Affected Products: | openSUSE 11.3 openSUSE 11.4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP4 |
Vulnerability Type: | remote code execution |
[OMG!SUSE! team: Yet another Flash Player security update](//
Security Team member Thomas Biege published an advisory this morning more critical security updates guessed it: flash-player.
According to the security announcement this package update affects openSUSE 11.3, 11.4 as well as SUSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 10 SP4 and 11 SP1. This announcement also mentions that this is a remote code execution vulnerability, which means not updating to the latest flash-player package will leave you open to attackers running programs and exploits on your machine!
Adobe has posted more details on this bulletin on their site if you’re that interested in the different issues this fix addresses.
For most users, you’ll just need to follow these steps:
Open up Yast2or click on the “Online Update” applet running in your GNOME or KDE panels
Select the flash-player update and install it
Make sure you restart ** all ** of your browsers, this will ensure that no program is running the older vulnerable flash-player package
Relax with a Long Island Ice Tea
Kernel Review▲▼
[h-online/Thorsten Leemhuis: What's new in Linux 2.6.39](//
The latest Linux kernel offers drivers for AMD’s current high-end graphics chips and ipsets that simplify firewall implementation and maintenance. The Ext4 file system and the block layer are now said to work faster and offer improved scalability. Hundreds of new or improved drivers enhance the kernel’s hardware support.
Version 2.6.39 once again took Linus Torvalds and his fellow developers less than 70 days to complete. This is further indication of a slight, though ever more apparent, increase in the kernel’s development speed, as about 80 to 90ýdays still passed between the release of two versions one or two years ago. With 2.6.39, this also meant that there was a slight decrease in the number of advancements which are worth mentioning in the Kernel Log; however, there are still plenty of changes that will make Linux faster and better.
This article will provide a brief description of the new Linux version’s most important improvements. Many of these improvements affect not only servers but also notebooks and desktop PCs. The distribution kernels will bring the improvements to the majority of Linux systems in the short or medium term, as these kernels are based on the kernels released by Linus Torvalds. (…)
[DesktopLinux: Linux 2.6.39 assists firewalls, speeds up Ext4](//
The Linux 2.6.39 kernel was released featuring new IPset technology for simplifying firewall deployment. Other major features include Ext4 performance and scalability improvements, a media controller subsystem for video acquisition, a block plugging overhaul for fast storage I/O, and support for new AMD “Cayman” Radeon graphics.
Linus Torvalds announced the 2.6.39 release with some doubts as to whether he should have issued another RC release instead. A scheduling conflict caused by the fact that the Linux creator and overseer is wanted for a keynote at LinuxCon Japan on June 1-3 forced him to push the new kernel out the door without merging more code. The deciding factor, he writes, is that this kernel release window has been “fairly ‘easy’.”
Linux 2.6.39 is a modest release compared to the mid-March Linux 2.6.38 , which featured an overhaul of the Virtual File System and a performance enhancing “automatic process grouping” patch, among other improvements. That release may have also seen a major power regression leading to higher power consumption, according to Phoronix benchmarks in April.
[Rares Aioanei: kernel weekly news – 21.05.2011](//
This weeks Issue of Rares Aoianei’s Kernel Weekly News.
Tips and Tricks▲▼
For Desktop Users
[Pascal Bleser: What's an orig-addon ?](//
Funny question eh? :)
Let me take a step back first. There are quite a few packages that the openSUSE project cannot publish on their main infrastructure, not because of legal reasons, but for reasons of potential software patent infringements. That, combined with the fact that the main sponsor of the openSUSE project (Attachmate, formerly Novell) also sponsors almost all the IT infrastructure, the fact that Attachmate (and Novell before them) is a business in the USA, and that the USA has the most ludicrous legal precedents regarding software patents (hey, the market regulates itself, right ?), puts us into such a situation. It isn’t different for most other distributions by the way, except for a very few which probably only get away with it because they remain rather small and under the radar.
What am I talking about? Well, packages such as gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad, MPlayer, vlc, xine, libmad, etc… Typically because they contain implementations of multimedia codecs such as for MP3 or H.264 which are heavily covered with software patents.
The Packman project and repository provides many of those packages (amongst other things) for openSUSE, hosted in a country where software patents do not apply. Now, don’t confuse software patents and copyright: copyright is well established, precise and there are no groups of people on the planet who respect copyright more than open source and Free software developers, specifically because copyrights such as the GPL, BSD or ASL (to name just a few) protect our work and our ideals. Hence, what we are doing is not illegal in any way. As an example, the mad library might be subject to software patent infringement where applicable, but is under the GPL.
Okay, now back to the actual topic. The libraries of the gstreamer framework are maintained by several contributors of the openSUSE project in the multimedia:libs project in our famous openSUSE Build Service. However, as explained above, the download repositories of multimedia:libs may not host the packages that might infringe on software patents (where applicable). So what we are doing, is to link those packages on our Build Service instance at Packman (yes, the Build Service can do that, awesome feature :)). The difference is that on Packman, due to some macros, we do build those parts that potentially infringe on software patents, and also host them in our repository and its mirrors. The trick is that they’re subpackages that end in “-orig-addon”. For example, for the package “gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad”, its companion is “gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-addon-orig” (yes, I agree, the suffix “orig-addon” is stupid, too “geeky” and not intuitive in any way.) (…)
[Anastasios Ksouzafeiris: How to install Enlightenment (E17) in openSUSE 11.4](//
Hello folks, two days ago I installed on my netbook Enlightenment WM (window manager). A very lightweight WM with the minimalistic environment that i like.. After 30 minutes and search actually you can understand how it works, it’s really easy if you understand that all the apps are modules and you have only to load them or unload them.. After this quick introduction i think we must go to the installation and see it by your self. (…)
For Commandline/Script Newbies
[ Using nl to Number Lines](//
The nl utility is use for numbering lines of a text file. It’s easy to use, and there are only a few options that you need to remember. Start by creating a file with ten consecutive lines. (…)
For Developers and Programmers
[Python4Kids/Brendan Scott: New Tutorial - A Functioning Stand Alone Python Program](//
In the last tutorial we created a file using our text editor and saved a function to it. This file was called and in it was the module “trivia”. We then started Python in a console and import()ed the trivia module. Once imported, it created a “namespace” and we could access the askQuestion() function from within the trivia namespace by using a dot – trivia.askQuestion(). In order for the module to work properly we had to include an import statement within the module itself so that everything that the module relied upon was imported within the module. We then manually loaded our data from a pickle file we created and, manually, ran the askQuestion() function on the first question in our data store. Finally we added docstrings to the function and the module.
In this tutorial we’re going to try to do much the same thing again, but without using the Python interpreter. That is, we will need to take the things we did in the interpreter and implement them in our file. We will have a functioning (although still quite simple) stand alone Python program. (…)
For System Administrators
[ServerWatch/Joe Brockmeier: Discover Rootkits With Unhide](//
If your system has been rooted, you can’t trust utilities like ps to show processes from the rootkit. For ferreting out nasties, you’ll want to check out unhide and unhide.rb.
If you’ve ever encountered a rootkit, you know the symptoms – suddenly a box is sluggish or sending out gobs of network traffic – but running top and ps aux show nothing that should be the culprit. One quick and dirty way to turn up the offending processes is to use the unhide utility or its Ruby counterpart unhide.rb. It’s a helpful tool to have around for Linux server management. (…)
Editors Note: unhide_rb packages for openSUSE are available from OBS’s security repo.
Planet SUSE▲▼
[Bruno Friedmann: ATI/AMD fglrx 8.850 Catalyst 11.5 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, Factory](//
Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.
At least after a wrong 11.4 version, and a first buggy 11.5 catalyst version, the new one is finally build and ready to install from the repo. Like for 11.3 I’ve clean up all previous version which are not xpic, so everybody can easily know which drivers he has to install. I’ve resigned all rpm with my key. And the tests made show them working.
Some instabilities have been reported. In case of crash like no keyboard, mouse, and blackscreen on reboot. Try to shutdown properly your computer with the shutdown poweroff button. On reboot, just add 3 at the end of grub line to restart in console mode. Then with yast or zypper you can always try the previous version.
All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.5 article (…)
[Will Stephenson: Have you BURPed yet today?](//
Well, have you? ýNot the satisfying expulsion of excess gas, but the simplest way you can materially contribute to openSUSE.
I was just hanging in the #active channel, watching my KDE chums make their new touchscreen interface (video), when somebody complained that shared-desktop-ontologies does not yet contain the latest release needed by KDE git master. ýAnd instead of updating the package myself, I suggested they just BURP:
the Package
And by doing so we all get the latest versions in the devel project and soon in Tumbleweed and openSUSE Factory. ýSo ambassadors, boosters and motivated contributors know how to do that right? ýNow you can use this glib little acronym to persuade friends and colleagues to do the same.
Happy BURPing!
[Uwe Gansert: SUSE Manager install/setup Screenshots](//
Some people fear it takes too much time to do a SUSE Manger setup just for testing. I decided to show the complete workflow just in screenshots to demonstrate it’s easy and will not take longer than maybe 20 minutes – most time just waiting. You can download an eval version here. You need at least 2GB RAM and 12GB disk space for installation.
Let’s go. On the bottom right of each screenshot you have a link that points to the next screenshot, so you can easily click through a complete installation now. (…)
[Uwe Gansert: DBus Interface of clementine](//
“Without music, life would be a mistake.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
I don’t like Amarok2. I really liked the 1.4 version but now, since 2.0, it’s just broken and ugly, so yesterday I switched to Clementine.
Everything was better from the start – all the covers were finally shown correctly, the UI is useable, the playing order is always correct, the plugin is a lot better … and … and … and …
All I was missing, was my little now-playing script for xchat.
I did that in the past already for amarok, so I just had to change that a bit. (…)
openSUSE Forums▲▼
[Are you a contributor](//
This thread does not need much introduction. A community based distribution needs a community. But what do it's members do to contribute. Here's a survey + poll.
[Boot problem after update](//
Like most distributions openSUSE has an update system, sometimes refered to as YOU, Yast Online Update. The updates provided vary from new program releases to serious system updates. Now, this thread reports issues, and solutions, for boot problems related to a recent kernel update. Meanwhile there's quite some info available about the boot process.
[Unable to capture sound](//
Over the past decade computers have become true muldimedia machines. We use them to play our music and videos, some of us watch TV, many of us use VOIP, we make music. To do so, one of the things that needs to work is sound capture, for example recording through a microphone in a laptop. Here's a user with problems in capturing sound, the thread ends in a very happy ending. Read what's done to help the poster out.
[openSUSE 11.4 Kmix too few channels](//
Another one from the multimedia area. A nice thread for those used to KDE4 and Kmix's interface, since there have been some changes in how sound is handled. This has resulted in a different layout of the Kmix interface. If you have sound working OK, but are wondering where all the channels you used to see in Kmix have gone, this should be a good read for you.
On the Web▲▼
[SUSE Announces Executive Leadership Team with Dedicated Focus on Driving Growth and Innovation in the Linux Marketplace](//
SUSE, a new business unit of The Attachmate Group, today announced its organizational focus on developing, marketing and supporting a portfolio of innovative solutions centered around SUSE® Linux Enterprise, the most interoperable platform for mission-critical computing across physical, virtual and cloud environments. Nils Brauckmann, a 20-year industry veteran with both Attachmate and Novell® heritage, will lead the SUSE organization’s passionate commitment to quality engineering, excellent customer service and open source innovation.
“I am thrilled to lead this business and team in our pursuit of providing comprehensive Linux solutions that solve real problems for IT and the line of business. With a laser focus on making SUSE successful, we are committed to the products and services that our customers and partners rely on to run their businesses. Moreover, we recognize and celebrate the value of the openSUSE Project and will remain a strong supporter of the openSUSE community,” said Brauckmann. “We reiterate our long-term commitment to the open source communities at the heart of our ecosystem. Our presence in these communities will help our customers benefit from the rich value of Linux, while encouraging the collaboration that has made Linux the foundation of so many computing environments today.”
Leading SUSE from its newly based headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, Brauckmann and his team of experienced industry executives will be responsible for the organization’s continued development and sale of solutions based on SUSE Linux Enterprise, through the Open Platform Solutions division of the former Novell, Inc. Specifically, Brauckmann will drive SUSE sales, marketing, engineering, technical support and consulting and training services that align with customer needs and demands. He will passionately advocate enterprise adoption of open source solutions and support the activities of the openSUSE community. (…)
[BMC Software, Eucalyptus, HP, IBM, Intel, Red Hat and SUSE Create Open Virtualization Alliance](//
SAN FRANCISCO, MAY 17, 2011 - BMC Software (NASDAQ:BMC), Eucalyptus Systems, HP (NYSE:HPQ), IBM (NYSE: IBM), Intel (NYSE: INTC), Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT) and SUSE today announced the formation of the Open Virtualization Alliance, a consortium committed to fostering the adoption of open virtualization technologies including Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). The consortium will promote examples of customer successes, encourage interoperability and accelerate the expansion of the ecosystem of third party solutions around KVM, providing businesses improved choice, performance and price for virtualization. (…)
[Announcing Xamarin](//
Today we start Xamarin, our new company focused on Mono-based products.
These are some of the things that we will be doing at Xamarin:
Build a new commercial .NET offering for iOS
Build a new commercial .NET offering for Android
Continue to contribute, maintain and develop the open source Mono and Moonlight components.
Explore the Moonlight opportunities in the mobile space and the Mac appstore.
Call for participation
[h-online/Chris von Eitzen: GNOME and KDE 2011 Desktop Summit programme published](//
The GNOME Foundation and KDE e.V. boards have published the programme for this year’s Desktop Summit. Following the opening keynote, attendees can visit one of four different rooms, each with a variety of tracks including community, applications, platforms, tablets, development and accessibility & help.
The 2011 event will take place over the course of a week from 6 to 12 August at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany; it is open to developers, community members and users alike. The joint conference is supported locally by the Berlin Senate and the TSB Innovation Agency Berlin GmbH, and is expected to bring together more than one thousand core contributors, open source leaders and representatives from government, education and corporate environments. (…)
[h-online/Chris von Eitzen: Getting a grip on Flash cookies: Adobe publishes Flash 10.3 ](//
Adobe has published version 10.3 of its Flash Player for all platforms. This version finally gives users control of their Flash cookies, but only if one of the currently supported web browsers is used: Firefoxý4, Chromeý11, Internet Explorerý8 (or higher) and, soon, Safari. The new ClearSiteData API allows the browser to take care of Flash cookies (LSOs – Local Shared Objects), which it can manage as though they were normal cookies. Up until this release, users had to visit the Settings Manager on Adobe’s website to handle the stubborn Flash cookies.
Under Windows, Flash cookies can also be managed via a new entry in the control panel. Here, users will also find all of the settings that concern security and privacy. Flashý10.3 now also alerts Mac OSýX users about updates automatically. Developers of VoIP applications can now access echo and noise suppression. Adobe has integrated the Media Measurement analysis function that provides developers with detailed usage statistics in combination with SiteCatalyst. The update for Flash Player Incubator, Adobe’s test bed for new functions, will be of interest for developers with its JSON support and secure random number generator.
[h-online/Dj Walker-Morgan: De Icaza announces new Mono-centric company - Xamarin](//
Miguel de Icaza has announced the launch of Xamarin, a company dedicated to creating Mono-based products. Those products will include new commercial .NET products for iOS and Android, similar to and source-compatible with MonoTouch and MonoDroid, developed from scratch and based on the open source Mono but still not open source. Xamarin will also be exploring possible opportunities for Moonlight in mobile and in the Mac app store. Icaza adds that the new company will continue to make code contributions, maintain and develop both open source Mono and the Moonlight components.
De Icaza has also finally given public confirmation that Attachmate began laying off all the Mono developers, starting with those in Canada and America, on 2 May, followed by the Europe, Brazil and Japan teams in the days following. This included all the MonoTouch and MonoDroid engineers and other key Mono developers. The layoffs happened amid the wider layoffs that were instituted by Novell’s new owners. Attachmate would not comment on who had been laid off and claimed that “all technology roadmaps remain intact”.
[h-online/Dj Walker-Morgan: New SUSE chief: openSUSE is very prominent in my thinking](//
Attachmate’s SUSE division has confirmed, as The H reported three weeks ago, that Nils Brauckmann is the new head of the freshly created business unit which will be headquartered in Nuremberg. For the first time, The H talked with Brauckmann about his new position and how the changes in the SUSE division will affect openSUSE. The H pointed out to Brauckmann that there was only one mention of openSUSE in the press release on SUSE and that might be taken to mean that the open source version of SUSE Linux was being downgraded.
He replied that openSUSE was very prominent in the company’s thinking saying “Frankly the opposite will be the case” and that SUSE understood the value of the openSUSE community and working with the wider open source community. Inside the company “many people are very happy with the renewed focus and the revitalised brand” said Brauckmann, who also pointed out that many SUSE developers are also openSUSE contributors. He hoped to enable them to make more effective contributions in future by providing tools to help enhance and automate Q&A, build and test processes too. Support can also include funding too he noted and, as an example, SUSE will be funding this year’s openSUSE conference. (…)
Related article from other source: LinuxforDevices
[ Linux job portal launched:](//
As a demand for Linux-related jobs has jumped unexpectedly high in the last couple of years, as a new Linux related job portal attempts to compensate for this sudden surge in demand for Linux skilled professionals and will surely accommodate both employers and job seekers. is not affiliated with any local or international company, nor is it a recruitment or employment agency and it is specialising only in Linux based careers and closely related Information Technology fields. (…)
[Hubfolio/Matthew Casperson: Run Linux in your web browser with JSLinux](//
The Chrome OS project is putting a browser on top Linux to provide a fast and functional operating system. But one guy has done the reverse, emulating an x86 PC in JavaScript and using it to run Linux.
There is nothing like a few benchmarks to encourage companies to push their technologies to the next level. With web browsers, JavaScript performance is often advertised as a killer feature. But, as any web developer will tell you, more often than not web 2.0 applications are developed targetting a low common denominator: Internet Explorer (versions less than 9 anyway).
Still, that doesn’t stop hobbiest from exploring the possibilities that are provided by the latest wave of high performance JavaScript engines. JSLinux is one such example. It emulates a 486 based PC and uses it to run a 2.6.20 Linux kernel based OS, and includes a host of terminal tools like vi, emacs, tiny c compiler and more. (…)
Reviews and Essays
[ Wallen: Stop Spam with Bogofilter on Linux ](//
There are two things in life that are assured: taxes and spam. There is little that can be done about taxes. As for spam, you can find a solution. Ideally, ISPs handle this and spam never makes its way to an end user system. This rarely happens, though, so measures must be taken to prevent the deluge from coming.
There are a number of tools available for Linux to prevent spam. One of those tools, Bogofilter, is an incredibly well done system that seamlessly integrates into both Evolution and Claws-Mail. This tutorial will walk you through the process of getting Bogofilter integrated with two of the more popular Linux email clients as well as helping you train Bogofilter for spam and ham.
[Linuxaria: Cheat Sheet collection](//
For Wikipedia: A cheat sheet or crib sheet is a concise set of notes used for quick reference. “Cheat sheet” may also be rendered “cheatsheet”.
People working in informatics in general and on unix terminals in particular know that is not so easy remember every single command and so it’s usual to have “Cheat Sheet”, a collection of the most useful commands in a single A4 page for a particular program or environment.
And this is my small collection. (…)
[Pingdom: The top 20 strongholds for desktop Linux](//
As a server OS, Linux has long been highly successful and a poster child for open source. For example, Linux currently powers a majority of the world’s web servers and supercomputers. As a desktop OS, however, Linux has yet to gain mainstream acceptance.
That said, there are some countries where people have embraced Linux on the desktop to a greater degree than most.
Since you probably wouldn’t be able to guess which these countries are no matter how hard you tried, we have highlighted them in this article. Read on to find out where desktop Linux is most popular, plus some nice bonus stats. (…)
[ITWorld/Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols: 5 Skype alternatives for Linux users](//,0)
While many people use Skype for its free voice over IP (VoIP) services, Linux users have a love/hate relationship with it. Yes, Skype will run on some versions of Linux, but it doesn’t run on all of them, and the Linux version (2.2-beta) lags far behind the Windows version (Skype 5.3). That’s three major generations behind. Need I say more?
Much as I dislike Microsoft’s recent purchase of Skype and even though I think Skype’s technology is held together by bailing wire and duct tape, maybe Skype will become better for Linux with Microsoft. After all, it couldn’t be much worse!
That said, there are numerous Linux VoIP programs and they’re also free as in “free beer,” as well as free as in “free software.” Most of these programs use the open SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) standard or Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) If they use the same protocol, you should be able to use one client to call another. To do this, of course, they must be on the same SIP or XMPP network. For example, I use the VoIP network for SIP calls.
[Dedoimedo: The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle Reviewed ](//
Time for another Humble Bundle review! After parts one and two, the Humble Indie Bundle project ran their third collection, which earned just short of one million in one week of sales. Unlike the previous two, the third Humble Bundle offering focuses on a single game vendor, Frozenbyte, with three complete games, one online pre-order demo and one early beta pre-order prototype. The games include Trine, a side-scrolling action and puzzle game, Shadowgrounds, a shoot ‘em up shooter and its sequel Shadowgrounds: Survivor, Jack Claw, which is going to focus on realistic physics combat in a modern urban environment, and Splot, which is going to be a 2D adventure arcade.
[Free Software Foundation/Richard Stallman: Microsoft Skype](//
How will this affect the success of Skype’s spyware, they ask? Was it good strategy for one or the other? Did Microsoft pay too much? How does this affect the possible success of this or that other company? Questions whose perspective regards people as nothing more than terrain for these nonhumans to squabble over.
All those questions alter nothing that matters for us.
The Skype client program is nonfree software: it gives its owner power over its users. Presently it will give the same power to a different company. The identify of the master is just a detail, because freedom means not having a master.
One part of freedom, for computer users, is not using Skype.
The GNU Project is developing free software to do more or less the same job, and multiple free programs by others also already do the basics. When free software makes it possible to do full-featured VOIP while maintaining your freedom, that will be a real change.
Replacing Skype with free software is an FSF High Priority Project.
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