openSUSE Conference Proposals Accepted, Tracks Listed

9. May 2016 | Douglas DeMaio | No License

oscfinalAll proposals accepted for the openSUSE Conference, which takes place in Nuremberg, Germany, from June 22 - 26, have been selected and people selected to give the presentations need to confirm their proposal by May 30.

People submitting accepted proposals were notified by email, but will need to confirm their talk before it is listed in the schedule by clicking on the confirm button once logged on to

The total conference, which includes Kolab, SaltStack, ownCloud and SUSE Labs summits, features more than  40 long talks, 40 short talks, 7 workshops, an IndieWeb Hack Day and a program for kids. There are several openSUSE tracks and community and technology tracks.

Organizers of the conference learned today that SaltStack’s Chief Technology Officer and co-founder Thomas Hatch will give a live demo along with Dave Boucha about SaltStack advanced features.

The tracks taking place are listed on the conference website, which also includes the dates for the keynote speakers.

The schedule is being developed, but it won’t fully be complete until all the proposals are confirmed. Attendees should also confirm that they registered for the conference.

As a reminder, today, May 9, is the last day to submit a Travel Support Program request.

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