New node.js LTS, GNU Debugger, libvirt Updates Arrive in Tumbleweed Snapshots
13. Jun 2019 | Douglas DeMaio | No License
The three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots released this week updated some key packages for users of the rolling release.
One of those key packages was an update of the GNU Debugger, gdb 8.3, which was released in the 20190607 snapshot. The debugger enabled ada tests on ppc64le and riscv64; multitarget builds for riscv64 were also enabled. The snapshot also added unit test for Logical Volume Manager (LVM) over Modular Disk (MD) with the update of libstorage-ng 4.1.127. Several patches and bug fixes were applied with the update of libvirt 5.4.0, which also made an improvement to avoided unnecessary static linking that results in both the disk and memory footprint being reduced. Libvirt also introduced support for the md-clear CPUID bit. The python-libvirt-python 5.4.0 package added all new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and constants in libvirt 5.4.0. Text editor vim 8.1.1467 had multiple fixes, but the Tumbleweed snapshot introduced some new bugs and is currently trending at an 86 rating, according to the snapshot reviewer.
The two previous snapshots recorded an exceptional stable rating of 98 according to the snapshot reviewer.
Snapshot 20190606 updated just two packages. The nodejs10 package put out a new upstream Long-Term-Support (LTS) version with nodejs10 10.16.0, which upgraded upgrade openssl sources to 1.1.1b and libuv to 1.28.0. The other package update in the snapshot was xfdesktop 4.12.5; the package for the Xfce 4 Desktop Environment fixed icon sizes in settings, reset the desktop icon order and fixed a timer leak.
The 20190605 snapshot had three packages updated. Linux Kernel 5.1.7 had some fixes pertaining to Btrfs like fixing the in-core state with a storage device between ranged fsync and writeback of adjacent ranges. The kernel update also removed dependencies with the arch_timer driver internals for the arm architecture and added Ice Lake support for Intel’s x86 power mode or c-state. Time Zones were updated with the libical 3.0.5 package and the libinput 1.13.2 package made some changes for Wacom touchpads and Apple bluetooth touchpad.
Release manager Dominique Leuenberger wrote a review of the previous two weeks and stated that openssl 1.1.1c, Texlive 2019, KDE Plasma 5.16, Qt 5.13, LLVM 8, swig 4.0, and cmake 3.14 were all progressing in the staging projects and will be released soon in upcoming Tumbleweed snapshots.
Categories: Announcements Tumbleweed Weekly News
Tags: api Apple ARM bluetooth btrfs bug fixes cmake 3.14 Desktop drivers embedded gdb 8.3 GNU Debugger ice lake intel KDE Kernel 5.1.7 libical libinput libstorage-ng libuv libvirt 5.4.0 Linux LLVM 8 LVM MD nodejs openssl openSUSE Tumbleweed Plasma 5.16 Power8 ppc ppc64le Qt 5.13 reviewer riscv64 swig 4.0 vim Wacom x86 xfce xfdesktop