openSUSE Board election 2019-2020 - Call for Nominations, Applications
5. Dec 2019 | Douglas DeMaio | No License

Election time is here!
Two seats are open for election on the openSUSE Board. Gertjan Lettink completed his second term. Simon Lees completed his first term and thus he is eligible to run as a Board candidate again should he wish to do so.
The election schedule is as follows:
== Phase 0 ==
5 December 2019
Announcement of the openSUSE Board election 2019-2020
Call for Nominations and Applications for Board candidacy
Membership drive. Become an openSUSE Member. Take the opportunity to apply for an openSUSE Membership during this phase (in order to vote or to run as a candidate).
25 December 2019
- Nominations and Applications for Board candidacy close
== Phase 1 ==
26 December 2019
Announcement of the final list of candidates
Campaign begins
Membership drive continues, opportunity to apply for openSUSE Membership, but members will only be eligible to vote and not run as a candidate.
== Phase 2 ==
16 January 2020
Ballots open: Please cast your vote during this time
Campaign continues
31 January 2020
- Ballots close
1 February 2020
- Announcement of the results
The Election Committee is composed of Edwin Zakaria and Ish Sookun.
Only openSUSE members are eligible to run for openSUSE Board openings. Election Committee officials, however, are not eligible to run in order to avoid conflicts of interest. To stand for a position in the openSUSE Board please send an email to:
If a member would like to nominate somebody else, please inform the Election Committee and the officials will contact the nominee to ask whether s/he would like to run as a Board candidate.
The Election Committee is hereby calling for Nominations and Applications for the openSUSE Board.