Feature Requests, Submit Requests for openSUSE Jump Take Shape
23. Sep 2020 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The openSUSE Project is progressing with the state of openSUSE Jump, which is the interim name given to the experimental distribution in the Open Build Service.
openSUSE Leap Release Manager Lubos Kocman sent an email to the project titled “Update on Jump and Leap 15.3 and proposed roadmap for the next steps” that explains the progress that has been made with Jump 15.2.1.
“We have some exciting news to share about the openSUSE Jump effort!” Kocman wrote. “We will have a Jira partner setup (coming) for openSUSE this week!”
Access to Jira will allow openSUSE Leap contributors to see updates on community feature requests and be able to comment on requested information or allow them to request information. The process will be tested initially by one of the community members to see if it works properly.
Kocman also informed the project of a new OBS feature that will allow openSUSE Leap contributors to submit code changes “directly” against SUSE Linux Enterprise without having Submit Requests rejected unless they failed review.
“All openSUSE Leap contributors should have a look at Jump submit requests documentation,” Kocman wrote
The OBS team is still working on the sync of comment updates for Submit Requests from SUSE’s Internal Build Service back to OBS. More info about this IBS and OBS topic can be found on https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Jump:OBS:SRMirroring.
Jump is a prototype rebuild of openSUSE Leap 15.2 that is synchronizing SUSE Linux Enterprise source code and binaries.
Bringing the source code and binaries of both Leap and SLE together is a challenge that has been successfully progressing since the late Spring. Process adjustments, new tools and changes in workflows have been made to help with the efforts for developers, contributors and stakeholders.
Kocman also provided a link to the roadmap listing GO/NOGO decisions for Jump and Leap toward the end of October and beginning of November.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Leap Jump Open Build Service
Tags: openSUSE OBS Leap Jump IBS Submit Request Feature Requests Comments