The Reproducible-openSUSE (RBOS) project, which is a proof-of-concept fork of openSUSE, has reached a significant milestone after demonstrating a usable Linux distribution ...
Tumbleweed has adopted SELinux as the default Linux Security Module (LSM) for new installations after a recent snapshot. The transition was announced on the mailing list i...
Developers of the openSUSE community continue their commitment toward improving legal compliance and software transparency with the release of the Cavil Legal Text dataset...
Developers of the openSUSE community are looking to utilize armv7l efforts in the context of openSUSE Step to evolve how openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise are develop...
(Languages: DE, ES, FR, IT, ZH, zh_TW) openSUSE Leap 42.3 Gives Smooth Desktop and Server Upgrade The openSUSE Project released openSUSE Leap 42.3 today bringing the comm...
Rolling Development Still needs Testing, Promoters Since changing to a rolling development version model for the eventual release of openSUSE Leap 42.3, challenges have ar...